My love of thoughtful, fair urban projects and traveling sets my path as an independent practitioner improving non-governmental, private and public projects and reforms in Slovakia and wider region of Central and Eastern Europe aimed at making them just, more strategic and better communicated.   


University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK)

Course - 2023 - Cambridge Leading Sustainability: High Impact Leadership

SPU, Nitra (SK)

PhD 2010 - 2014 (Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering) -Landscape Architecture

Master's 2004 - 2010 - Landscape Architecture

CUNY, New York (US)

Visiting Fulbright scholar 2013-2014 (Faculty of Architecture)

CVUT, Prague (CZ)

Visiting scholar 2011 - 2012 (Faculty of Architecture)

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastra University, Delhi (IN)

Visiting scholar 2011 (Faculty of Human Resource Management) 

STU, Bratislava (SK)

Visiting scholar 2011 (Faculty of Architecture)

Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra (SK)

Visiting scholar 2010 - 2011 (Department of Mass-Media And Marketing Communication)  

MZLU Brno, (CZ)

Visiting scholar 2009 (Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture)

Odder Hojskole, (DK)

Scholarship August 2007 - January 2008 (Film Production and Graphic Design)


Awards & Juries

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 2024, expert opponent for applications in program Environment for Life, 2024

Slovak awards in urban planning 2023, jury member, 2023

International urbanplanning and architectural competition for the new main train station, Prague, jury member, 2022-2023

International landscape planning and urban planning competition for the restoration of the area of the Vltava confluence, Prague, jury member, 2022-2023

Committee for Local and National Infrastructure, Sport Support Fund of Slovakia, member, 2021

Architectural Competition, Alma Rose Square, Jihlava, jury member, 2021

Nomenclature Committee for The City of Bratislava, vicechairwoman, 2020

Vision for Milada Lake, ON Plan, jury member, 2020

Nomination for Personality of the Year 2019 in Architecture and Development, ASB GALA, 2019

N.I.C.E. Network for Innovations in Culture and Creativity in Europe, Jury Member, 2016

GenderSTE, Short-term scientific mission, Vienna, 2015

Fulbright Scholarship, CUNY, New York City, 2013

Nava Pollman Association, Landscape Design Student Charrette, 1st Prize, Rapperswill Switzerland, 2011

Rector of Slovak Agricultural University, Best Student Award, 2010